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This is a fork from youtube_uploader_selenium customized for my needs.


Python script to download videos from JSON file and then upload to YouTube using Selenium for Firefox and custom metadata.

This script allows to upload more than 61 videos per day which is the maximum [1] for all other tools that use the YouTube Data API v3.

1: Since the projects that enable the YouTube Data API have a default quota allocation of 10,000 units per day [2] and a video upload has a cost of approximately 1,600 units [3]: 10,000 / 1,600 = 6.25.

Instead, this script is only restricted by a daily upload limit for a channel on YouTube.

100 videos is the limit in the first 24 hours, then drops to 50 every 24 hours after that.

Script Installation

git clone
cd PyUpSelenium
pip install -r requirements.txt

The following documentation is still under construction.

Package Usage

from youtube_uploader_selenium import YouTubeUploader

video_path = 'videos/video_to_upload.mp4'
metadata_path = 'videos/video_metadata.json'
profile_path = 'path/to/firefox_profile_folder'

uploader = YouTubeUploader(video_path, metadata_path, None, profile_path, headless_mode)
was_video_uploaded, video_id = uploader.upload()
assert was_video_uploaded

Script Usage

At a minimum, just specify a JSON file:

python --json video_collection.json

If it is the first time you’ve run the script, a browser window should popup and prompt you to provide YouTube credentials (and then simply press Enter after a successful login). A token will be created and stored in a file in the local directory for subsequent use.

Video title, description and other metadata can specified via a JSON file using the --meta flag:

python --video my_video.mp4 --meta metadata.json

An example JSON file would be:

  "title": "Best Of James Harden | 2019-20 NBA Season",
  "description": "Check out the best of James Harden's 2019-20 season so far!",
  "tags": ["James", "Harden", "NBA"],
  "schedule": "06/05/2013, 23:05"

For your convenience, the format string for the schedule is %m/%d/%Y, %H:%M




Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


If you find a bug / want a new feature to be added, please open an issue
